If you want to keep a new affiliate registration pending in WordPress, there is a custom method for you.
This method applies if you are using Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise plugins by itthinx. It gives you the option to decide whether or not and when you will approve a new affiliate registration.
The process is pretty simple. Pending affiliates cannot see their available tools. Affiliates will be approved after they are added to a group named Affiliates. Only Affiliates group members can view the contents of Affiliate Area page.
Let’s see the details.
Essential Tools
The essential tools for this, are Groups plugin and Groups-Emails extension for notifications. Both can be obtained for free.
Groups Setup
After installing Groups, go to Groups>Capabilities and add a new capability named affiliates. Then, go to Groups>Groups and add a new group named Affiliates. Finally, add the capability affiliates to the Affiliates group. You can use the name of your choice, but keep a note because we will need that later on.
Affiliate Registration Setup
If you haven’t already, create an Affiliate Area page through the Dashboard. Go to Affiliates>Settings>Pages and press the Generate button.
After generating a new Affiliate Area page, edit the page and add some shortcodes.
Replace [affiliates_registration] shortcode with [affiliates_registration redirect=”true” redirect_to=”http://url/to/your/pending_approval_page” ]. After a successful affiliate registration, the affiliate is redirected to pending_approval_page. More on that page later on.
Add [groups_member group=”Affiliates”] right before [affiliates_is_affiliate]. Also, add [/groups_member] right after [/affiliates_is_affiliate]. This is how you will restrict affiliates tools only to the members of Affiliates Group.
When you approve a new affiliate, you can also send a mail notification. Try the extension Groups-Emails slightly modified. Edit lines 58 and 80 of the code, to modify the message of the notification accordingly.
Pending Approval Redirect Page
This is the page to redirect, after an affiliate registration. Although not vital, it will make the approval system more user-friendly.
This page should have a content like this:
Your affiliate registration was successful. You will be able to use your affiliate’s tools after your account is approved.
Just that. A simple message describing what has happened.
That’s it.
If you have questions or suggestions, use the comments below. 🙂
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